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Let’s Get Real – New Years Resolutions

The holidays are well over and here you are thinking about those resolutions that have already come and gone. Don’t give up hope! First off, good for you for wanting to lose weight, exercise more or eat better, setting the intention to do so is the first step. The next step? Making it stick. Let’s be honest, the “doing it” part is almost always harder than the “wanting to do it” part. You can take comfort in knowing that at least 80% of people who make New Year’s resolutions are already off track by the first week of February. So, how can you get back on track and join those successful 20 percenters?

Instead of: Signing up For a Gym
Resolve to: Move a Little Bit Every Day

Gyms love January. It’s when they sign up the newest members, most of whom won’t be making use of their pricey memberships come February. Instead, save your funds and look for ways to get moving every day. You could take the stairs instead of the elevator, try 10-minutes of yoga in the morning, or even simply set a reminder to get up and move every hour. Even small chunks of exercise can have a big payoff for your health.

Instead of: Detoxing
Resolve to: Eat Clean
You may think that going on a detox diet is a quick way to hit reset, but science suggests otherwise. Your kidneys are excellent at removing toxins from your body all on their own (assuming you’re otherwise healthy). Classic detox programs can leave you hungry and tired and may make you gain weight in the long run. Instead, aim to eat clean, meaning lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains and lean proteins. Hold the processed foods, sodium and saturated fats.

Instead of: Cutting Out All Sugar
Resolve to: Eat More Fruits & Veggies

While trying to eat better, you may find it easier to choose healthier foods, rather than limiting yourself to a restrictive diet. If you fill your plate with a leafy green salad with crunchy orange carrots, red peppers and a protein, you won’t be quite as hungry for that brownie after lunch. You may even reach for an apple instead of the vending machine cookies when it’s time for your afternoon snack!


Happy New Year!

Today is the start of the Chinese New Year!

A pig represents luck, overall good fortune, wealth, honesty, and general prosperity. Symbolizing a hard working, a peace-loving person, a truthful, generous, indulgent, patient, reliable, trusting, sincere, giving, sociable person with a large sense of humor and understanding.

Click here to see where you can join the celebrations!

Australia – YVR

DLO Jesse Meyer was lucky enough to have his family from Australia fly in for an entire month! He had an amazing time showing them why he loves Canada so much.

Go Canucks Go!
Banff, AB

Happy Birthday to the February babies of DLO!

Rob Dyck – February 3rd
Jesse Meyer – February 11th
Dan Zucovich – February 24th
Shamus Izatt – February 25th
Jason Merz – February 25th

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