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DLO Spotlight – Michael Wan

In the life of a move, DLO is often involved from preliminary design to post-move clean-out and recycling.  But how well do we really get to know these key people and companies we work so closely with during a project?  We decided to it was high time to tap into their expertise and share what makes them so great!

In this edition of our newsletter, we feature Michael Wan of Prime Interiors.  We have worked closely with Michael and his team on many projects, most recently on the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs.

Thank you Michael, for sharing and for being so much fun!

Question: What do you consider to be the top 3 trends in office design right now?

Answer: Open plan with private meeting areas and phone booths instead of enclosed private offices. Collaboration areas and lounges instead of enclosed staff kitchens. Reduction of the overall real estate footprint.

Question: In your eyes, what is the most important aspect of designing a new office space, something you must get right?

Answer: Space planning. If the plan doesn’t work, you can put on all the lipstick you want, it’s still a pig. 

Question: What is the most common question you get asked from people once you have been hired to design their new space?

Answer: How do we keep our staff happy?

Question: How long have you had Prime and where did you work before you started the business?

Answer: 25 years next month. If I wasn’t so busy, I would plan a party… I worked as a designer/ business developer/ estimator/ project manager for a competitor for 11 years prior to starting Prime.

Question: What would your 2nd dream job be, knowing Prime is your first choice?

Answer: Roger Federer’s hitting partner or Walter Rohrl’s navigator.

Question: What has been the best place you’ve travelled, and why?

Answer: We’re at 66 countries and counting so it’s difficult to say. The short list is definitely diving the Great Barrier Reef, watching a kill in Botswana, playing with the pandas in Chengdu and sitting among the penguins in the Falkland Islands- we like being in zoos without fences.

Question: What is your favourite restaurant in Vancouver for lunch and/or dinner?

Answer: None really. Variety is the spice of life as they say, so I like to try them all. Although I have to confess, I carry a picture of a bowl of wonton noodles with me for when I’m in Antarctica craving for Chinese food.

Question: Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

Answer: I would like to work until your great grandchildren graduate from college.

Below: Completed by Michael and Prime Interiors, Confix at TD Tower Vancouver, BC

If you would like to be featured in one of our upcoming Spotlight newsletters,
please contact Laurie Oseen: 
We would love to get to know you and your company better!

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